入学説明会 1/13(土) 平日も開催中

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Active Learing 「Body」

スクールライフ 2023.06.26

This week at Harbourfront International School, all of the classes have been having their first open days of the year! All of the children have been very excited to show their parents what they have been learning.
For the Kindergarten class open days, all of the students did a quick Circle Time in the morning, before moving onto Active Learning. This week, they were put into groups, and asked to trace each others bodies. They were given lots of crafting supplies, to make as many parts of the body that they can think of, and attach them to the bodies that they have traced. There were veins made of tangerine nets with yarn inside them, face drawings with pens, and faces made of pet bottle caps! This week, they chose to focus on making things outside the body, and next week they will be focusing on making things inside the body. They have all been having lots of fun, and they have been excited to be making new parts of the body everyday!
This week for Laura’s Art Class, the students painted stars using salt and water colour paints. They enjoyed seeing the dots appear on the paint, after they sprinkled salt on their painted stars!
Here are some photos from our classes this week.

今週Harbourfront International Schoolでは、全クラスで今年度初めての参観日があり、保護者の方々にクラスでの様子を見ていただき、生徒たちは大興奮でした。
幼稚園児クラス参観では、朝の短めのサークルタイム後に、今月のテーマである「Body」についてのActive Learningの活動を行いました。今週は、二つのグループに分かれてそれぞれ等身大のポートレートを描き、たくさんのクラフト素材の中から生徒たちが学習した体のパーツを作る作業を行い、学びを広げました。生徒はミカンネットに毛糸を入れて血管を表現したり、顔を描いたり、またペットボトルの蓋を使って顔を作ったりと思い思いの表現方法で、時には黙々とひとりで、時には話し合いながら制作に取り組んでいました。今週は生徒たち自身で体の外側に見える部分を表現することを決定しました。来週は体の内側に焦点を当てる予定となっています。




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